Friday, September 17, 2010

Outcasts United

                Although reading “Outcasts United” over the summer was not my idea of fun, I have to say that I’ve grown to like it. Being a college freshman I can finally relate to all of the boys coming into a new world and having to adjust. That is exactly what every other freshman has been doing these past three weeks.
                After being assigned this blog, the first thing I thought of relating the “Outcasts United” book to was Professor Jennifer. She reminds me of Luma Mufleh or her coach Brown. Luma’s coach planned to accomplish a lot with her team and she wasted no time trying to get them to be successful. She would work her team so hard that at times they wondered if it was really worth it. As stated by Warren St. John, “Though she disliked Coach Brown, she wanted desperately to play well for her.” Luma stuck through all of the insane amounts of running and conditioning because she liked to push herself and wanted to impress her coach.
                This reminds me of Professor Jenifer because when I first walked into inquiry I figured it would be an easy A. After just a few minutes with Professor Jenifer in the room, I realized that I was horribly mistaken. Inquiry is the classroom that I focus on the most due to the fact that we always have something else due and we are not in high school so we aren’t reminded daily to do it. Though I don’t like the amount of responsibility that Professor Jenifer gives us, both Coach Brown and Professor Jenifer assign us these tasks because they know it will benefit us in the near future. After being in inquiry for only three weeks, I realized that her style of teaching is already helping me manage my time better and be more organized. 

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