Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Decisions Decisions...Help!

            I came into SCSU with my mind set on becoming a BSN; Bachelor of Science in Nursing. But after quite a few psychology classes, I realized that I have a great interest in it. I find it to be my favorite class this semester and it easily catches my attention. Lately I’ve been thinking about whether or not I made the right decision about basing all of my classes around nursing. I figured it would be a great idea to revolve my entire schedule on trying to complete the required classes in order to take the NCLEX-RN Exam in two years.
            I chose nursing because I find a joy in helping people and it would make me feel wonderful to know that I was a big part in saving someone’s life. Also, being a nurse gives you an opportunity to work in pretty much any department in a hospital, pediatrics’ office or even a nursing home. Having so many opportunities to work assures you that if you ever get bored with one department, you can move on to the next one. Although I still have my heart set on nursing, I keep questioning my decision.
            Lately psychology has caught my attention. Psychology majors can work in the human services field. This gives you the opportunity to work with people one-on-one whiling trying to help them cope with stress or teaching them certain life skills.
            I want to include more psychology into my schedule but I’m afraid it is going interfere with trying to quickly take all of my required nursing classes. Does anyone have advice? Help!

1 comment:

  1. You and I will have an advising meeting in the middle of the semester where we will talk a lot more about this as we prep you to register for next semester. Feel free to come talk to me before then though if you are stressing about this.
