Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I knew this would be a bad idea!

                This week I decided to try going to yoga. My roommate goes every Thursday to an advanced yoga class and she is always bragging about how much better she feels. Since I’m not the most flexible person, I never thought I would be one to enjoy it. But I went against what I thought and decided to go to “Yoga Core Meltdown”, a less advanced yoga class for beginners. In all honesty, I didn’t like it, and I was right. Although it was a beginner class, everyone there seemed to know exactly what to do. One major thing that I was worried about was flexibility, and that was the least of my worries.  But what I should have been worried about was the fact that they were going to put me in uncomfortable positions that would give me a horrible leg cramp. Sadly this class was a full forty-five minutes, and like a champ, I stayed till the end.
                Even though yoga was not for me and it ended up being a complete disaster, I had a great time laughing at myself, and being laughed at by my roommate. I recommend exercising to relieve stress. It’s a time where your mind does not wonder, you just focus on exercising or in my case, following my yoga instructors bizarre poses. You can also get a good laugh and time to relax with your friends. After a good sweat, I always feel like a new and improved person, as if I just sweat all of my worries away and it keeps me motivated to go back to my dorm and worry about more homework. I ’m glad I didn’t go with my gut feeling about not liking yoga it because in the end, it was actually a funny experience.
                Next Tuesday I’m dragging my roommate to Buns Guns and Abs, I think it’s my turn to laugh! J

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