Saturday, October 23, 2010

What's going on with our generation?

All three articles this week were related.

Generation Me, had a lot to do with our generation and the recession we are experiencing. Due to the fact that everyone seems to be somewhat broke, parents are having a tough time spoiling their children as much as they have in the past. As quoted from the articles, “recession saved us from a parenting ethos that churns out ego-addled spoiled brats”.  They also stated that Southern Connecticut State was surveyed and 10% of 20-somthins have symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder.

This relates to the next article about grade disputes. Due to the fact that all of the children are so narcissistic they believe that their grade should be higher than it really is. Professors wondered where this sense of entitlement was coming from and now we know that it comes from the parents.

On the article called American Education, they discuss the problem about grade inflation. That is when the school raises their students’ grade to make their school look better, with smatter students. For example, schools do this to their graduate students to make their students as close to a 4.0 GPA as possible, that way their resume looks better and gives them a higher chance of getting hired. But grade inflation is something that a lot of work fields have been paying attention to, so they are taking regards that their future employee’s grades have been changed. 

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to not simply summarize what you read; use your own voice to synthesize, analyze, question, engage, etc.
