Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dear Motivation, whats stopping me from completing this rough draft?

My inquiry question is, “What makes you motivated?” Although the rough draft is due on Tuesday, I am going to be honest and admit that I have not done much work. I have been procrastinating on the project because I am not confident about my question and don’t really know where to start. I am so controlling that I have a hard time starting something if I don't know how it's going to end or what the purpose is. I have plenty of notes on the articles about motivation and different types of procrastinators but when it comes down to actually asking my question…I don’t really like it.
I feel as if my question is really broad. Am I trying to ask what keeps someone motivates in school, or what keeps someone motivates in life? Both might have two different types of motivation. Or is your motivations the same for whatever your goal may be?
I thought that I could start asking undergraduates what keeps them motivated, and none of them know how to answer the question because they feel as if it is too broad. So I started with what motivates you in school and what motivates you outside of school…None of them have given me a good enough answer that I feel should make it to my video, maybe it is because they don’t necessarily understand my question.
Maybe my question should turn into what motivated you as a child, and what motivates you as an adult. Many of us are on our own for the first time, does this change what keeps us motivated since we have to rely on ourselves so much more?
I think it is safe to say that I have a lot more thinking and figuring out to do before the rough draft of this project is due on the 5th, (my birthday J). I would be more than happy if anyone could give me some sort of input or advice on how to make my project seem like it has more of a purpose and direction. Thanks!

Here is the article that I am turning to for advice. CLICK

1 comment:

  1. I like the child vs. adult angle -- then your project becomes more about maturity/development and therefore it's different (more specific) than just motivation in general.
