Saturday, October 23, 2010

What's going on with our generation?

All three articles this week were related.

Generation Me, had a lot to do with our generation and the recession we are experiencing. Due to the fact that everyone seems to be somewhat broke, parents are having a tough time spoiling their children as much as they have in the past. As quoted from the articles, “recession saved us from a parenting ethos that churns out ego-addled spoiled brats”.  They also stated that Southern Connecticut State was surveyed and 10% of 20-somthins have symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder.

This relates to the next article about grade disputes. Due to the fact that all of the children are so narcissistic they believe that their grade should be higher than it really is. Professors wondered where this sense of entitlement was coming from and now we know that it comes from the parents.

On the article called American Education, they discuss the problem about grade inflation. That is when the school raises their students’ grade to make their school look better, with smatter students. For example, schools do this to their graduate students to make their students as close to a 4.0 GPA as possible, that way their resume looks better and gives them a higher chance of getting hired. But grade inflation is something that a lot of work fields have been paying attention to, so they are taking regards that their future employee’s grades have been changed. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


For some reason my video was not uploading onto blogger so I uploaded it on youtube instead.
Although it took me more time than expected to finally come up with a solid idea for the project, I am happy with the outcome.
This was much more enjoyable than I thought but I did experience some technical difficulties. When making my video I realized that everyone that I interviewed did not speak load enough and I had difficulty hearing them. I was never able to find a way to make their voice louder so when I present this video I will have to turn up the volume on the computer when my interviews appear. Other than that, I feel as if everything went smoothly. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Coming in to SCSU as a freshman, I had my mind set on getting my BSN; bachelor science in nursing. After carefully picking my first semester classes based all on my nursing requirements, I am starting to have a change of heart.
One of the required classes for nursing psychology. After almost half a semester has passed, I have found psychology to be my favorite class. I am starting to think that I want to change my major into eventually getting my masters in psychology, but since I never really looked into it, I am not too sure what kinds of classes I have to take and how hard it is.
I chose nursing because I love the feeling of knowing that you are helping someone. I like the feeling that because of you, that person is now in better health. I love to do volunteer work and have recently applied to be in Best Buddies.
Now this is where I begin to feel confused, I feel as if psychologists do the same thing. No they do not help people with medicine, but they mentally help people. Which I feel as if it is still a pleasure to know that you are making a difference in someone’s life.
It’s hard to feel so confused about something that will eventually determine my whole entire future.
I have recently written a blog very similar to this before and Jennifer gave me advice and said we would meet individually and talk about this, so already I am more relaxed.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dear Motivation, whats stopping me from completing this rough draft?

My inquiry question is, “What makes you motivated?” Although the rough draft is due on Tuesday, I am going to be honest and admit that I have not done much work. I have been procrastinating on the project because I am not confident about my question and don’t really know where to start. I am so controlling that I have a hard time starting something if I don't know how it's going to end or what the purpose is. I have plenty of notes on the articles about motivation and different types of procrastinators but when it comes down to actually asking my question…I don’t really like it.
I feel as if my question is really broad. Am I trying to ask what keeps someone motivates in school, or what keeps someone motivates in life? Both might have two different types of motivation. Or is your motivations the same for whatever your goal may be?
I thought that I could start asking undergraduates what keeps them motivated, and none of them know how to answer the question because they feel as if it is too broad. So I started with what motivates you in school and what motivates you outside of school…None of them have given me a good enough answer that I feel should make it to my video, maybe it is because they don’t necessarily understand my question.
Maybe my question should turn into what motivated you as a child, and what motivates you as an adult. Many of us are on our own for the first time, does this change what keeps us motivated since we have to rely on ourselves so much more?
I think it is safe to say that I have a lot more thinking and figuring out to do before the rough draft of this project is due on the 5th, (my birthday J). I would be more than happy if anyone could give me some sort of input or advice on how to make my project seem like it has more of a purpose and direction. Thanks!

Here is the article that I am turning to for advice. CLICK


I attended the We the Kings concert on September 17th. My friends and I went to the club fair and saw that they were selling tickets for only five dollars, and if you bought them there we could also get a free We the Kings tee shirt. We got a big group of us to agree to all buy tickets and the day before the concert we all walked to the Lyman Center to pick them up
. We weren’t surprised to see that the show was not as full as we expected it to be. The show fell on a Friday night, and if you’re anyone who lives on campus, you would know that everyone goes home for the weekend and we are left with a ghost town as a campus. I think that if we had more shows or fun events on weekends, it would encourage more students to stay for the weekend and hangout with their friends. Maybe they should have a survey of who we would want to see, or what events we would be more interested in. I try to stay on campus as much as possible due to the fact that I am paying a great amount of money to live on campus. Might as well make it worthwhile.
Maybe as a class we can come up with a list of things we enjoy, and see if we can bring it to the club who hosts and organizes events for us. Sometimes I feel as if they host events that none of us like and think it’s a little corny. Leave me comments with your ideas :)